Secrets You Know, by Bobbi Buchanan

Secrets You Know
By Bobbi Buchanan

The sun watches you on that long walk,
drapes light and love across your back.
You want to be the perfect companion
like sweet gum to the warbler.
Swallowtail on goldenrod.
White ash samaras falling to their destiny.
Every tiny little beauty tells you her secret.
What else for that lukewarm heart of yours?
Take that love and burn.

Bobbi Buchanan is the author of the essay chapbook Listen: Essays on Living the Good Life, (Ginkgo Leaf Press, 2013) and founding editor of New Southerner, an e-zine that focuses on self-sufficiency, environmental stewardship, and local economies. Her essays and poems have been published in The New York Times, Brain, Child Magazine, Sojourners, GreenPrints, Still: The Journal, Vine Leaves Literary Journal, The Louisville Review, The James Dickey Review, and Kudzu, among other publications. She is co-founder and host of the Homegrown Art, Music & Spoken Word Show, an open-mic and arts exhibition series held bimonthly in Shepherdsville, Ky.