The Poems of the Air, by Alan Walowitz

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the poems of the air by alan walowitz

Nothing much ever happens here. But just enough so it feels like it does.
–“Fall River Transfer”

Whether it’s an accident, or a funeral, or a friend’s surgery, or a hailstorm, or a signage he drove past, Alan Walowitz’s poems take off from wherever it was, and juice it out in language, conversational, jocular, yet oozing with his inimitably wise, funny style. Nothing is more personal than his poems, and he doesn’t pretend otherwise. A poet who is wont to pay attention to an occasion like a wedding or an everyday moment–all becomes grist for his natural story-telling skills. His stories are tributes to people and events, from which you’ll emerge both entertained and enlightened. There will always be a glint of insight in them, if only, perhaps, a yearning for safety and home. These poems also feel much like denizens of New York City because that is exactly where home is.

7 thoughts on “The Poems of the Air, by Alan Walowitz

  1. Thank you, Alan for writing (and continuing to write) such engaging works, and thank you, Irene, for gathering them together to make my enjoyment even more sustained over the course of ALL of these fine works. I owe you both.

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